Spirit, Soul, Body

Spirit, Soul, Body

We all talk about the connection between Spirit,Soul,Body. A holistic approach to well-being involves bringing these three aspects of the self into balance to create harmony and health.

Spirit, Soul, Body in Balance:

Spirit, Soul, Body in Balance:

We all talk about the connection between Spirit,Soul,Body. A holistic approach to well-being involves bringing these three aspects of the self into balance to create harmony and health.

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Stress, Depression, Anxiety we all are victims to this these days and we all are searching for Inner Peace.
Inner Peace is a state to be achieved, it is a lifelong commitment.

Mindful shopping, Mindful Living:

Mindful shopping, Mindful Living:

The idea of “mindful shopping” seems like an Oxymoron -two words or ideas that could never go together. Did you ever stop and considered how many advertisements, messages, distractions in a single day.

Mind ! Mind ! Be Mindful With Your Mind .

Mind ! Mind ! Be Mindful With Your Mind .

There is a saying ” Mind is a beautiful servant but a terrible master “.The world is relentlessly asking for your mental energy, there is always a demand coerced upon an individual and we try hard in a way to justify it.

LIFE-Never Thought Of!

LIFE-Never Thought Of!

What is Life?

Have you ever thought of understanding your life ?

Some say it is a period from Birth to death -May be

Some say Life is all about living every moment -May be